R.E. Shaw School
Upcoming Events
November 5: No School - Presidential Election Day
11: No School - Veterans Day
19: Twin Day!
26: Fall Flannel Day (Wear your flannel!)
27: Half Day - Dismissal at 11:20 am
27: Grades Close
28-29: No School - Thanksgiving Break
December 4: Half-day for Elmwood and Shaw schools only (for parent-teacher conferences)
5: Another half-day for Elmwood and Shaw schools only (for parent-teacher conferences)
20: Half-day for all schools
23-31: Winter Break, no school
January 1-2: Winter Break, no school
Please take a moment to update your child's school information
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Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, and Community Members,
Warm greetings to you and your loved ones as we approach this Thanksgiving and holiday season. This year at Shaw, our hearts are brimming with gratitude. Our exceptional and compassionate educators and staff, along with your wonderful children, form the core of the Shaw family, creating an environment where learning flourishes. We sincerely appreciate the privilege of working with each and every one of them.
The dedication and effort of our teachers and students have been truly commendable. We take pride in witnessing active engagement in classes and the development of reflective learning skills. While there may be moments of challenge, we encourage students and families to understand that learning often involves a productive struggle. This is when students grasp the strategies and tools teachers provide, fostering growth despite initial frustrations. Rest assured, our teachers consistently monitor student progress, offering tailored support whenever necessary to ensure the success of all students.
Your input and support continue to be invaluable to us. Our doors are always open, and we encourage you to reach out to us at any time.
Warm regards,
Andrew Tuccio & Erin Rosenkranz
Raymond E. Shaw Leadership Team
This year, we are happy to announce there will be four dates available for Student-Led Conferences. The dates and times are listed below. Once again, we will be using the website Pick-A-Time to schedule conferences. The scheduling window will open on Monday, November 11th, at 6:00 pm and close on Friday, November 29th, at 9:00 pm. Please sign up for only one 10-minute block with your child's teachers. All conferences will take place in person this year at Shaw.
Student-Led Conferences Dates & Times
Monday, December 2nd -2:45-3:25
Wednesday, December 4th - 12:15-6:45
Thursday, December 5th -12:15-2:35
Wednesday, December 11th - 2:45-3:15
An email address is required to sign up. The link is available on the Raymond E. Shaw Elementary Website, or you can type in this link: https://pickatime.com/client?ven=11611646&event=399643
Conference slots will only be created for classroom and special education teachers. If you would like to schedule a meeting with your child's Unified Arts Teachers(s), please email them directly to arrange a time.
Mr. Rollins - Music/Band: jrollins@millburyschools.org
Ms. Shedden - Art: kshedden@millburyschools.org
Mr. McKeon - PE: mmckeon@millburyschools.org
Mr. Lachance - PE:mlachance@millburyschools.org
Mr. Gervais - Technology: egervais@millburyschools.org
Mrs. Hahn - Digital Literacy: khahn@millburyschools.org
If you do not have computer access or have questions, please email Mr.Tuccio at atuccio@millburyschools.org or call the office for assistance at 508-865-3541.
Shaw Community
Shaw Students
Shaw News
The DESE report cards provide a new way of looking at information related to overall school performance. They include information in a variety of areas:Student Enrollment and Teacher Information, Student Attendance and Discipline, Academic Opportunities, College and Career Readiness, MCAS Performance,School Spending, and Accountability Information.