R.E. Shaw School
Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, and Community Members,
As we approach spring, we are excited about the upcoming months. Our focus will be on striving for academic excellence and encouraging personal growth for all students. We encourage you to continue supporting your child's education by staying involved and engaged in their learning. Maintaining regular communication with the school will help ensure your child stays on track and receives the support they need.Â
Your input and support continue to be invaluable to us. Our doors are always open, and we encourage you to reach out to us at any time.
Warm regards,
Andrew Tuccio & Erin Rosenkranz
Raymond E. Shaw Leadership Team
6th Grade Nature's Classroom
We have confirmed the dates for this year's Nature's Classroom trip, April 9 - 11. We are offering three options again this year.
Cost: $350 Overnight / Ext. Day $265 / $120 Days Only
The Millbury Parents' Club fully funds transportation
Overnight: Depart 8:30 Wednesday April 9th & Return 1:30 pm Friday, April 11th
Day: Depart at 8:30 am and return at 1:30 pm. Daily
Ext. Day: Depart at 8:30 am and return at approximately 9:15 pm. Daily
(Depart Charlton at 8:45 pm)
Students will be able to take a bus to and from school and have breakfast at Shaw
Lodging and all meals (Overnight / Sleep Away)
Lunch (Day)
Lunch & Dinner (Ext. Day)
Limited financial assistance is available for students. If you need financial assistance, please contact Mr. Tuccio at (508) 865-3541 or atuccio@millburyschools.org
Shaw Community
Shaw Students
Shaw News
The DESE report cards provide a new way of looking at information related to overall school performance. They include information in a variety of areas:Student Enrollment and Teacher Information, Student Attendance and Discipline, Academic Opportunities, College and Career Readiness, MCAS Performance,School Spending, and Accountability Information.